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Happy New Year

January 6, 2017

In reality, the jump from December 31 to January 1 is similarly significant to any of the other 365 days in the year, and although I highly encourage resolutions and the making of goals I also strongly believe that every day- not just New Years- is a new opportunity for improvement. This year I did not necessarily wake up on New Year’s day refreshed, motivated and full of energy, but I am grateful still for the new year and the encouraging push towards change and betterment that it always does seem to bring about with it.

Though for now I have decided to keep my specific goals for 2017 private, I do want to share some general ponderings and hopes for the coming year. I share these not to impose them on anyone else, but rather as a source of potential inspiration and a place of and an opportunity for reflection for myself.

This year I want to prioritize and improve my physical and mental health and wellness.  I want to take care of myself, love myself, and nurture myself; My body, my heart, my mind. In 2017 I am striving for improved mental health, awareness and mindfulness. I am building towards a more complete picture of who I am and what exactly this means. In 2017 I want to take charge of my body, own it, and love it. I want to gain higher self-confidence and deeper self-love. I want to look in the mirror and love what I see, no matter what I see. I want to resist the urge to compare and treasure the urge to praise and encourage without jealousy. 

This year I want to minimise. I want to re-focus on the important things in life. Get back to basics. I want to invest more in relationships and less in things. I want to be truly and completely present. Every week, every day, every moment. I want to give the present of presence, to myself and to those who I love. I want to hold others more dearly in my desires and in my actions. I want to love more deeply and completely. I want to let go of perfection and embrace average. To lower my expectations and to allow myself to rejoice in my failures as well as in my successes.

This year, and every year, I want to spend my life so that at the change of the year, I can stand at the edge of time, look back on the days and hours past and know in my heart that I lived- truly lived- each moment to its fullest.


A Passionate Perfectionist

Embracing Average

Wishing all the best to all of you for 2017.

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