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All That We Share

March 14, 2018

herning fotograf


Hi Dreamers!
This post veers a bit from my usual posts on this site, but I wanted to share this powerful video that I discovered recently.

One of the reasons (reason #101 😉 ) of why I love photography is that I love capturing people’s smiles, people’s emotions, people’s joy. Joy is beautiful to me, and what is even more beautiful is the different packages it comes in.
There really is no one-size-fits all when it comes to life and the happiness it brings to all of us. I never want my clients, my friends, my family to feel self-conscious or uncertain of themselves because they might feel “different,” because the reality is that we are all “different,” but we are also all “similar” and it’s only a matter of which perspective we decide to see through to realize that.
I want people to come to me and realize that Dreamer by Day Photography is a place where all shapes, sizes, personalities, colors, etc. are appreciated and valued!
I think it is so easy to often feel like “us” and “them” instead of “we,” but the reality is that we have so much more in common with those around us than we realize! I’m grateful for the intrinsic value of being “human” that connects us all across social, cultural and linguistic boundaries, and for the chance that I have to photograph others in all of their unique glory!


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